Tonight: Wednesday 28/01/2015

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Tonight: Wednesday 28/01/2015

10 years ago
by Mo
Tagged: Malifaux, Warhammer, Wednesdays;

Hi all,

This week we will be having a game of Warhammer Fantasy, between Wood Elves and Savage Orcs, should be interesting!

We will also be having more Malifaux and possibly either some more 15mm Sci-Fi or maybe some medieval adventures using Lion Rampant.

Finally, there will be a friendly game of Dreadball (it's been a while) going on a bit later (starting about 19:30).

If anyone wants to come along, we will be more than happy to introduce people to the games we are playing. As usual, we are in the back room at Oaklands pool hall, Cinderford, fron 18:00 to 21:00.