The Praesentia Assemble

The Praesentia Assemble

10 years ago
by Mark
Tagged: FAD, Modelling, Wargames, 15mm;

After many hours of clueing my fingers together (along with many other forms of procrastination), i finally got around to it, i have built my praesentia. They are assembled and hungry for war, it will be fun to see what kills the hyperion (that's the big tank for those that don't know) will rack up.
Hopefully it won't be long before they see battle, and even less time before they see some colours. Until then i get the fun of pricing up these guys up, one thing i can say is it will not be cheap. Its a large army and its unlikely they will all see the same battlefield, consiting of:
3 Ancients
12 Phase Shifters (infantry) and 6 more awaiting construction
12 Scout Drones
18 Sentinel Drones - 6 chainguns, 6 dual cannons, 6 heavy cannons
4 Guardian Drones
1 Hyperion Battle Drone
So, who wants to be the first to try and take these guys on?